Monday, October 27, 2008

!DOCTYPE heckidunno transitional

Monday: end of sunny; nastytackysoggy by the weekend. Drip-dry trick-or-treaters. Best gas price $2.53 and holding. Just finished playing: DVD "Stardust" -- Robert DeNiro as a "whoopsie" pirate captain, cool!

[[[ Hi Sees... we're first to comment on each other's brand new blogs! Let's see which one of us has an "Oh, Horrors, Child" post first. Got any upcoming misbehavior on schedule? ]]]

Just did a snoop of the source code for another designer's web site. I've been randomly checking to see who is using Doctype declarations. Not as many as I'd expect, but the transition is definitely underway. My own site is still just html, not xhtml, although I do at least have some style sheets in place. I haven't decided what the next incarnation of my site should look like yet. And now I don't get to just think about the design... I have to showcase some more sophisticated coding. I'm not sure why learning to do that is less exciting this time than it was the first time ... back in the previous century when there was no such thing as Flash, or DreamWeaver, or even PageMill yet, I tracked down a web site with a rudimentary tutorial on html that some programmer had been kind enough to post, and started to figure out how to make a web page. It was fun -- like hacking through the jungle, trying to make a way. Now it's more like being lost in a strange city, filled with too many signs and a zillion people who already know where they're going and don't have time to give directions. I don't speak the language and the mountains are in the wrong direction.

I hear there are brilliant programmers out there who really don't like to design. I need to meet these people. I'll bet we could help make each other's lives more fun.

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